Alpina Production
January 9, 2023

Turnkey video filming

It is better to entrust shooting a video to one team. In this case, specialists will be responsible for all stages of the production of such content. Turnkey videos are ordered in cases when it comes to short videos, lasting 1-2 minutes, and feature films lasting several hours.

Ads video Price per video Terms of creation
Corporate video from 750 $ from 14 days
2D animation videos from 550 $ from 14 days
3D Animated logos (paksh) from 170 $ from 14 days
Viral videos from 1 000 $ from 14 days
Promotional videos from 1 000 $ from 14 days
Presentation videos from 1230 $ from 14 days
Advertising videos from 7 100 $ from 14 days
Posted on January 9, 2023  •  5 minutes  • 866 words  • Other languages:  Русский, Українська
Table of contents

Turnkey Video Highlights

To create successful video content, it is extremely important not only to find a professional team specializing in this area, but also to voice all your wishes and ideas before starting work on a project. In this case, the effectiveness of the video will increase significantly, because it will be possible to indicate in advance the main concept, goal, and also determine the main target audience. The process of creating a turnkey video can be divided into several stages:

  • Preparatory. At this stage, the customer provides all the necessary information to the team. The concept is being developed together, the screenwriters are working on writing the script, and the main goal of the video is being determined. An official contract is signed, which indicates the total cost of the content, as well as the entire list of services, including information on design, the number of shooting days and operators.
  • Preliminary inspection. The team leaves for the place where the shooting will take place. This allows specialists to get acquainted with the situation in more detail, to think over how much equipment will be needed, and also where it will be placed.
  • Shooting. Shooting takes place at a pre-selected location. If this video is a few minutes long, then most often it takes no more than one day. A video lasting several hours can be filmed for several months.
  • Mounting. All shots are reviewed and the best ones are selected from them. After that, they are all combined into a complete video.
  • Sound overlay. Sound is added to the video. This may be a musical composition performed by a group or a solo artist, a recitation of the text by an announcer or professional actors.
  • Graphics. You can add brightness to the video by using additional special effects. Also, videos shot using animation (we are talking about 2D and 3D technologies), as well as infographics, are in great demand.
  • Treatment. This is the final stage, during which you can make adjustments to the color palette of the video, correct the contrast, and also smooth out the transitions between frames.

How much does a turnkey video cost?

Preliminary cost calculation can be carried out only after the customer voices the main idea of ​​the video, and also talks about all the nuances that should be included. The cost will be affected by:

  • Scenario development. To write the script, it is necessary to involve additional specialists who develop the concept. You can reduce video costs by using ready-made scripts.
    Graphics. Videos that use a lot of animation and special effects will cost more.
    Rent. If the video will be filmed not only on the street, then it is worth laying in the total costs the cost of renting a studio or other premises.
    Timing. Projects with a limited time frame require additional investments, since you have to quickly assemble the entire team for work.

Entrust the work to professionals!

Studio Alpina Production specializes in creating videos of any type. In our work, we adhere to several basic principles – affordable and loyal prices for the entire range of services and high-quality performance of our work. Our team consists of true professionals, each of whom has sufficient experience and specialized knowledge. To work with video content, we use the latest software and equipment.

You can get acquainted with our best works for free by viewing the portfolio. We work with different orders. It can be both small videos, lasting 1-2 minutes, and full-scale feature films. We are ready to offer you:

  • turnkey video production, including script writing and final processing;
  • development of animation content using 2D and 3D technologies;
  • professional shooting, work with voice acting and graphics.

We work with customers from Ukraine and other countries. By contacting the Alpina Production company, you can order video content that will help attract new customers and partners, will allow you to promote your website, blog, or convey the necessary information to a wide audience.