What is promo video
Posted on January 9, 2023 • 6 minutes • 1158 words • Other languages: Русский, Українська
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A promo video is one of the types of video content, the task of which is to advertise a particular product, service or brand. A bright, informative video will ensure recognition of your company or brand among consumers, which will positively affect the growth of sales and profits for the entire enterprise.
What should be the promo video?
Most people value their own time and are not ready to waste it on unnecessary things, so a promotional video should combine several key features. It should be informative and able to attract the attention of the audience, but at the same time, its duration should be one to one and a half minutes.
You need to understand that such videos are not created for the purpose of advertising, but in order to present certain information to the audience in the most simple and understandable way. For example, in this way you can tell customers about the history of the company or its current activities.
Production of promotional videos from the company Alpina Production – key advantages
The main advantages of such video content as a promo video include:
- Easier perception by the audience. Well-made promotional videos are not as intrusive as traditional advertising, so they are more easily perceived by the public.
- No strict restrictions. The promo video is not tied to a specific format in which it can be made. In addition, such a video will have no restrictions in terms of timing.
- Ability to use on various platforms and media. It is important to understand that, unlike a traditional commercial, a video can be broadcast almost anywhere. This is because it is not subject to advertising law.
How to create a quality promo video?
The production of promotional videos is an interesting, but at the same time responsible and difficult process that requires a considerable amount of professionalism from the performer. Before you start creating such content, it is important to determine for yourself a few points, namely:
- The amount of money that the customer is willing to spend on the manufacture of such a product.
- The purpose of the video.
- The place where it will be broadcast.
The main task is to make the promotional video as informative and interesting as possible so that it is not perceived by the audience as an ordinary advertisement. After all, commercials are already boring for many of us and most people simply do not pay any attention to them. You can achieve this effect by adding entertainment elements to the promo video. This will allow him to be as interesting as possible for the viewer, as well as get rid of the “taste” of the ubiquitous and annoying advertising.

What are the steps in the promo video production process?
Nazvanie has vast experience in creating interesting and informative promotional videos for business. This can be video content of various content and format, containing, for example, information about a particular event or product.
The creation of such video content takes place in several stages, which include:
- Concept development. The first thing to do is to work on the idea of a future promo video. This is very important, because ultimately the success of the video will depend on the overall concept.
- Script preparation. This is where professional screenwriters come into play, who can turn the finished idea into material for creating a promotional video. Most often, the script for this kind of video material is written in a cinematic or literary format. An important condition is to pay sufficient attention to every little thing, otherwise it can slow down the video shooting process.
- Storyboard material. It is about how exactly the director-producer imagines the finished video content. With the help of a storyboard, you can get an idea of what exactly the promo video will be like before the shooting begins. The work of the director, according to many experts, is no less important than the development of the idea itself, because when watching a video, a person perceives more than 70% of information exclusively visually.
- Preparing for shooting. At this stage, all technical and organizational issues are resolved. In addition, the selection of actors is carried out, as well as the place where the promo video will eventually be filmed.
- Filming a promo video. It is carried out by a professional team of filmmakers, under the direction of the director and with the participation of other professionals – video operators, sound engineers, lighting directors.
- Production of the finished film. The final stage is when all the footage is processed and put together. The resulting video sequence is edited, audio tracks are mixed, and, if necessary, visual effects or computer technologies are used.
Where can I order a really cool promo video?
Our team has extensive experience in creating promotional videos of any complexity and for various business areas. Such video content will ensure fast and effective promotion of your products or services, and will also allow you to present information about your company to potential customers. In addition, it is an ideal solution for maintaining a positive image and maintaining a good business reputation.
A high-quality and professionally filmed promo video can become your calling card, as well as be broadcast on any platform, including:
- on the official website of your company;
- in social networks and digital media;
- on digital video platforms (for example, YouTube);
- at meetings or conferences.
Alpina Production specialists will take care of all the difficulties associated with preparing the script, selecting actors and locations. We will quickly and efficiently conduct video filming and carry out post-production of the footage. To use our services, leave a request online today. We will contact you and provide competent advice, answering all your questions.